Thursday, April 10, 2014


"Everything we hear is an opinion, not fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." -Marcus Aurelius

I saw the quote above the other day, and it really resonated with me. When I first read it, I could feel my whole internal vibe change as I processed its intrinsic wisdom. People want us to believe that their truth is "the" truth. They want validation, and that is not wrong, but I think we have to be very careful of setting ourselves and our opinions up as factual advice for others to heed and follow. I've thought a lot about the topic of "truth" lately because of some personal things that have transpired, and  the painful confusion that seemed to grip me as a result. While I am struggling to put my thoughts and feelings down in the hope of making sense the conclusions I've drawn through introspection, my budding internal convictions are morphing my spiritual landscape in an essential way; and I am realizing that a theme that has run the course of my 45 years is taking shape and definition in a way that it hasn't ever before. My entire life I have struggled against people with opinions that have been set up as truth, and because I was ignorant in a myriad of ways these people were able to shape me in a negative and unloving way. People that have used their influence and my ignorance, and limited or damaged self concept to their advantage.
While I value you and your conviction regarding your perspective on x subject, it is a big world full of opinions and perspectives, including mine. So while I will take your opinion/perspective and honor it as one of many; I wouldnt be honoring my own instinct or sense of self by subscribing solely to your truth as the only truth, and snuffing out my ability to construct my own truth. Your perspective or opinion won't stop me from walking my own path even if you don't sanction it.