Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Angry: Part II

So....Where were we? Oh right, I'm angry......  Yeah, so this needs to stop.

There was a quote that I read sometime ago that basically stated that anger is sparked by a violation of ones values. Ok, I can subscribe to that, but how to deal with that is the problem.

 There are all kinds of ways to be frustrated, offended and ....angry.....every day. How do I just....leave it. No matter what. Disengage.

 I guess one way is to not let things bother me that I really have no control over. Brush it aside and try to forget about it.
 I've tried it.
 Things still eat at me even if I manage not to show that I am hurt, annoyed, frustrated and angry.

 I'm not saying that I go home and kick the dog or anything, but my mind turns it over and over and I can't let it go.
 That just makes it worse. Like a depressive who drinks to self medicate. I think I'm addicted to that thing....the memory of the issue... I can't resolve.  It becomes an obsession until I either drive myself crazy enough to let it go or say or do something stupid that inevitably makes things worse.
So, the question much is peace worth to me? Is it worth more than the obsession with things I can't change or resolve?
If it's important to me enough to change....
Where do I start?  That's the real question that begs an answer.....
Maybe that is what I need to start doing..... Creating my new plan for peace....

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