Monday, November 5, 2012

The Chance of a Lifetime....?

Here's the deal. I'm apprehensive about blogging. Even though I haven't been shy in the past about posting my opinions on *crackbook,* I realize that maybe it isn't the wisest thing to just "put yourself out there". Or is it?
No matter what your message, it is bound to be misinterpreted, misconstrued and people are going to "think things".  The misconception is that if you never post anything, say anything, do anything; or only say, post, do the things that can be percieved as virtuous, and paint you in the most positive light that it will prevent *said people* from "thinking" anything negative. Seems logical, right?
That's crap! People think what they want. It doesn't matter what you say, do, post, etc., there is always going to be someone who is going to read into it something negative. Why be afraid?
Fuck fear!
I'm going blog.
Maybe it will be personal. Maybe not. Maybe it will be interesting. Maybe not. Maybe my words will help someone. Maybe not. But in any case, the fear stops here! The excuses stop here!
My journey starts now.
I'm  not exactly sure how all of this will work. I don't have it clearly planned out. Maybe it's just an exercise to make me think beyond my emotions; face my self imposed obstacles to success and create a kind of "accountability" for the negativity I produce to keep myself from achieving the things I "say" are important. Maybe I will find that those things aren't important at all. Maybe I will find that they are vitally important. Maybe this can be the way to hone those ideas that I thought  to a fine point so that I am crystal clear on my intention, direction and purpose. Who knows.
Onward with the *experiment*. Let's see what demons I can confront. What ideas, habits, thought patterns and the like are in need of an overhaul. I'm ready! Let's do this!

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