Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The High Road.

The beginning of the end....
Maybe there are things we can't account for. At any rate, times are as they are and we must learn to live with the present and the future.
Just to address the obvious state of affairs....
Post election disdain, anger, and folks behaving badly.
Now, I didn't vote for Obama. I don't care for his brand of politics, but..... Anger and nastiness aren't going to make things any different.
As for Romney, the Republican party and the religious right single-handedly alienated many people with their ultra conservative  views.
Most Americans don't want polarized politics and a country divided by opposition. We want prosperity, freedom, and the right to live like Americans.
We don't want to be Greece, England, France or Canada; we want to be The United States of America, with all the hope she can promise.
Interestingly, it doesn't matter what your personal views are because "the machine" has its own agenda and whether you believe it or not it cares nothing for you.
Wake up, people.
Drop your anger and....
Take a chance at walking the high road.

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